Chair: P. Bühler
Randolf Pohl
(Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik)
05/09/2011, 16:35
Other exotic atoms and rare decays
Oral Presentation
Our recent measurement of the Lamb shift (2S-2P energy splitting) in muonic hydrogen [1] has created a puzzle. The value of the proton rms charge radius we deduce, Rp = 0.84184(67) fm, is ten times more accurate, but 4% smaller than the values deduced from both hydrogen spectroscopy and elastic electron scattering.
In addition, we have determined the 2S hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen...
05/09/2011, 17:05
Other exotic atoms and rare decays
Oral Presentation
We are going to report preliminary experimental results in our
recent pilot experiment performed in October 2010 for spectroscopy of pionic
121Sn atom in the RI beam factory, RIKEN. We have taken the
excitation spectrum of the 122Sn(d,3He) reaction near the pion
emission threshold.
Presently, elaborate analysis is on-going and the preliminary spectrum
observes a distinct structure of...
Thomas Stöhlker
(GSI and HI Jena)
05/09/2011, 17:25
Oral Presentation
The future international accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) encompasses 4 scientific pillars containing, at this time, 14 approved technical proposals worked out by more than 2000 scientists from all over the world. They offer a wide range of new and challenging opportunities for atomic physics research in the realm of highly-charged heavy ions and exotic nuclei. As...
Detlev Gotta
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
05/09/2011, 17:55
Other exotic atoms and rare decays
Oral Presentation
The ground-state level shifts and broadenings of the hydrogen isotopes caused by the strong interaction have been determined by using a high-resolution crystal spectrometer. From these parameters are derived the pion-nucleon and pion-deuteron scattering lengths and the threshold production and absorption strength of pions in nucleon-nucleon reactions. Muonic hydrogen reveals properties in the...