June 27, 2022 to July 1, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone
Proceedings published (including slides)! Please check the JACoW pages.

Venue, Excursion & GSI/FAIR Site Visit

The 15th International Conference on Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology welcomes you in the Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region, in the City of Darmstadt, Germany. Darmstadt, also dubbed the "City of Science", is a major centre of science institutes like GSI/FAIR. It is home to three universities and hosts the European Space Operation Centre (ESOC). It has also a rich cultural heritage. Most notably it was a centre of the Art Nouveau movement ("Jugendstil") and is hence awarded a UNESCO world heritage site, the "Mathildenhöhe".

Impressions of the "Mathildenhöhe", "Hochzeitsturm".Impressions of the "Mathildenhöhe". Russian chapel.

Conference Hotel

The conference takes place in the "Welcome Hotel" in the very center of Darmstadt and right beside it's most prominent park, the English style former royal garden "Herrngarten". We reserved a number of rooms for an advantageous price for conference participants. This advantageous price is valid until mid-May (or end of May for a small part of the rooms). To book one of those rooms please contact the hotel or follow this link: Booking.

View of the entrance to the Welcome HotelView of the Welcome Hotel at night

The venue is easy to reach via a direct bus connection between the airport Frankfurt and Darmstadt, the so called "Airliner" (link), or in general by public transport (local transport rmv.de, long distance transport bahn.de).


Excursion including Conference Dinner
We will take you on a boat trip on the river Rhine. The trip will pass some of the most remarkable sights of the middle Rhine valley, which is part of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley UNESCO World Heritage Site. The boat trip will conclude with the conference dinner.


On Wednesday, just before the conference excursion, we will visit GSI/FAIR. In fact, the Wednesday conference session will take place already at GSI/FAIR. After the session there will be a light lunch before we embark on our excursion.