13.–17. Sept. 2021
Europe/Vienna Zeitzone

Aufruf zur Einreichung von Abstracts

  • Öffnungstag
  • Einreichungsdeadline

Accepted contributions
Authors of accepted contributions will be given a dedicated break-out room during the conference to meet and discuss their contribution with other participants of the conference. In order to advertise the papers we will invite the authors on acceptance of the paper to submit a short teaser video which will be made available to all participants well ahead of the conference.

The procedure
1. Submit an abstract of your contribution.
2. On acceptance of your abstract we will send you a link to upload a short teaser video.
3. Registered participants of the conference will be given access to the videos well ahead of the conference.
4. During a dedicated session in the conference week, authors of accepted contributions will have the chance to present and discuss their paper in dedicated break-out rooms.

Der Call for Abstracts ist beendet.