Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Fusion Studies II
- Dieter H.H. Hoffmann (TU-Darmstadt)
Heinrich Hora
(University of New South Wales Sydney/Australia)
29.01.20, 10:40
The fact that nuclear reactions are about ten million times more energetic than chemical reactions as e.g. the burning of carbon, requires the same difference of thermal equilibrium pressures with similar elevated fusion temperatures: not hundred oC but hundred million degrees. This was changed by the advent of the laser offering the addition of a non-thermal pressure as a nonlinear...
Ke Lan
(Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
29.01.20, 11:05
We began to study the octahedral spherical hohlraums in 2013, and we have made both theoretical
and experimental progresses in spherical hohlraum study since then. From our theoretical studies,
we gave the configuration, concept and design of the octahedral spherical hohlraums, proposed a
novel octahedral spherical hohlraum with cylindrical laser entrance holes (LEH) and LEH...
Javier Honrubia
(Polytechnic University of Madrid)
29.01.20, 11:30
The magnetized liner inertial fusion (MagLIF) scheme has been proposed for cylindrical
implosions of magnetized fuels with lower implosion velocities and convergence ratios, resulting
in an appealing scheme for inertial fusion [1]. Recently, a laser-driven version of MagLIF has
been explored at the Omega facility [2] to study the magnetized implosion physics of MagLIF
targets scaled down...
Pascal Boller
(TU Darmsadt)
29.01.20, 11:55
To explain astrophysical phenomena, in particular those related to heavy nuclei synthesis and to verify theoretical models, we need laboratory nuclear reaction experiments under high en-ergy density conditions to get benchmark data.
In conventional linear accelerators the duration of proton pulses is of the timescale of many nanoseconds. If we use a high energy short-pulse laser, we can...