Bhuvanesh Ramakrishna
(IIT Hyderabad)
We have investigated the generation of dense electron-positron pairs and intense photonray
bursts in the laser plasma interaction using quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects
included in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. Linearly polarized laser pulses were used to
irradiate a thin foil (1 μm) with an intensity of 4*1023 W/cm2. A scan of targets with
varying Z (Al, Cu and Au) is investigated for the QED effects. Abundant electronpositron
pair production is possible at laser intensity of 1023 W/cm2 at wavelength of 1
μm. We studied the various pair production processes in all the targets. The number of
pairs created for Al and Cu targets is 1014 and 1013 respectively. But in case of Au, due to
high electron density there is no pair production. We also calculated how the electron
energy changes with respect to these targets, and also how pair production is changing
with respect to varying target densities. The results indicate that target Z plays a very
important role in the pair production process, which will be explained in this paper.
Bhuvanesh Ramakrishna
(IIT Hyderabad)