26 January 2020 to 1 February 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Open-Source Particle-In-Cell Code SMILEI

31 Jan 2020, 09:25


Waldemar-Petersen-Haus Oberseitestraße 38 A-6992 Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal


Dr Mickael Grech (LULI, CNRS)


Started in 2013, the electromagnetic PIC code SMILEI has achieved significant progress, both on the physics and performance aspects. To match its open-source and community-driven approach, it is now well documented and has a user-friendly design. New physics modules include collisions, ionization, radiation reaction, multiphoton Breit-Wheeler pair creation, an envelope model for laser-plasma ponderomotive interaction, and cylindrical geometry with azimuthal Fourier decomposition. High scalability and performance are ensured with a hybrid shared/distributed-memory parallel computation, a space-filling-curve dynamic load-balancing technique, and a novel, efficient adaptive vectorization method. Particle merging and splitting processes bring additional control on the performance. These aspects will be reviewed. Large-scale simulations relevant to laser-plasma interaction, particle acceleration or astrophysics, and performed by the SMILEI community will also be presented.

Primary author

Dr Mickael Grech (LULI, CNRS)

Presentation Materials

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