Verônica Dexheimer
(Gettysburg College)
7/17/10, 9:00 AM
We extend the hadronic SU(3) non-linear sigma model to include quark degrees of freedom. The choice of potential for the deconfinement order parameter as a function of temperature and chemical potential allows us to construct a realistic phase diagram from the analysis of the order parameters of the system. These parameters are the chiral condensate, for the chiral symmetry restoration, and...
Partha Roy Chowdhury
(Department of Physics, University of Calcutta)
7/17/10, 9:30 AM
Modern constraints from the mass and mass-radius-relation measurements require stiff EoS at high densities, whereas flow data from heavy-ion collisions seem to disfavour too stiff behavior of the EoS. Our aim is to present a nuclear EoS at supernuclear densities which satisfies both the constraints from neutron star (NS) and the heavy ion collision phenomenology. The data from massive NSs and...