Master, Diploma, Bachelor 2018

    • 08:00 08:01
      Study of characteristics of triple GEM detector for CBM experiment 1m
      Sayak Chatterjee, MSc Project Report, Department of Physics, Bose Institute Kolkata, 2018
    • 08:01 08:02
      Development of Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) for CBM Muon Chamber 1m
      Sayan Chakraborty, MSC Project Report, Department of Physics, Bose Institute Kolkata, 20 June 2018
    • 08:02 08:03
      Humidity in the Gas System of the Transition Radiation Detector in the CBM Experiment 1m
      Sprecher: Ruben Weber (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster(UMs-IKP))
    • 08:03 08:04
      Analyse von Testdaten von CBM-TRD Prototypen gemessen am CERN-SPS 1m
      Sprecher: Dennis Spicker
    • 08:04 08:05
      Development of Components of the Detector Control System for the Prototype of the Second Station of the Micro Vertex Detector of the Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment 1m
      Sprecher: Ole Artz (Universitaet Frankfurt)
    • 08:05 08:06
      Automated Test Stand Setup and Signal Reconstruction for the CBM-TRD 1m
      Sprecher: Johannes Beckhoff (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster(UMs-IKP))
    • 08:06 08:07
      Implementation of an Automated Position and Tension Determination of Wires in Multi-Wire Proportional Chambers 1m
      Sprecher: Murat Esen (Frankfurt University)
    • 08:07 08:08
      MRPC Prototype 3a & 3b performance studies at the cosmic radiation test setup of the CBM-TOF group in Heidelberg 1m
      Sprecher: Dennis Sauter (Kirchhoff Institute for Physics(KIP))
    • 08:08 08:09
      Bestimmung der Energieauflösung des Übergangsstrahlungsdetektors für das CBM-Experiment 1m
      Sprecher: Marcel Raabe (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
    • 08:09 08:10
      Feasibility studies of di-electron spectroscopy in Ag+Ag collisions at 4.5 AGeV beam energy with the CBM detector 1m
      Sprecher: Gregor Pitsch (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen(JuLGi-2PI))
    • 08:10 08:11
      Development of an Event Display for the Cbm-ToF Cosmic Test-stand in Heidelberg 1m
      Sprecher: Jonathan Brandt (Physikalisches Institut der Uni Heidelberg)