NUSPRASEN Workshop 2019

Lecture Hall (GSI)

Lecture Hall


Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH Planckstr. 1 D-64291 Darmstadt Germany
Bettina Lommel (GSI Darmstadt), Christoph E. Düllmann (U Mainz, HIM Mainz, GSI Darmstadt), Christoph Scheidenberger (GSI Darmstadt, JLU Gießen), Michael Block (HIM Mainz, GSI Darmstadt), Rolf-Dietmar Herzberger (U Liverpool), Wolfram Korten (IRFU Saclay)

Superheavy element research, target techniques and related topics

The aim of this workshop is to provide an exchange platform for European scientists working in the field of SHE research, to present and discuss R&D work, to establish new collaborations and to network. It aims at further stimulating the cooperation among European laboratories. It is the opportunity to dwell on topics which are not usually treated in regular conferences or collaboration meetings. One of the major goals is to support young scientists. The Scientific Committee has identified the following three major topics of interest for this workshop:

  • Update of ongoing activities in Europe: presentations by PhD students, postdocs and early career researchers
  • Review all aspects of target developments for the next generation of experiments using high intensity beams and to explore synergies between target-related challenges for different research fields, their requirements and specific solutions.
  • Overview of recent highlight results and achievements world-wide 

With these pillars, the workshop will be able to raise new synergies between European laboratories and user groups that are active in SHE research. It will also give a close look at the activities and developments of the NUSTAR collaboration at GSI/FAIR which are beneficial for SHE research and vice versa. The workshop is organised within the NUSPRASEN network of ENSAR2 and some financial support is available on request. More information on NUSPRASEN can be found at the NUSPRASEN Homepage

First Circular
Second Circular