Anton Andronic | GSI Darmstadt |
Gabor Almasi | WRCP Budapest |
Elena Bratkovskaya | GSI Darmstadt |
Peter Braun-Munzinger | EMMI, GSI Darmstadt |
Benjamin Doenigus | Goethe University, Frankfurt |
Wojciech Florkowski | INP Cracow and Kielce University |
Tetyana Galatyuk | GSI Darmstadt and TU Darmstadt |
Marek Gazdzicki | Goethe University, Frankfurt |
Norbert Herrmann | University of Heidelberg |
Pasi Huovinen | University of Wroclaw |
Alexander Kalweit | CERN Geneva |
Masakiyo Kitazawa | Osaka University |
Volker Koch | LBNL Berkeley |
Pok Man Lo | University of Wroclaw |
Michal Marczenko | University of Wroclaw |
Kenji Morita | iTHES, RIKEN |
Alexander Rothkopf | University of Heidelberg |
Anar Rustamov | BSU and NNRC, Baku and GSI Darmstadt |
Chihiro Sasaki | University of Wroclaw |
Helmut Satz | University of Bielefeld |
Alexander Schmah | University of Heidelberg |
Christian Schmidt | University of Bielefeld |
Natasha Sharma | Panjab University, Chandigarh |
Johanna Stachel | University of Heidelberg |
Joachim Stroth | GSI Darmstadt and Goethe University, Frankfurt |
Volodymyr Vovchenko | Goethe University, Frankfurt |
Wolfram Weise | TU München |
Nu Xu | LBNL Berkeley and CCNU, Wuhan |
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Additionally to having an API key associated with your account, exporting private event information requires the usage of a persistent signature. This enables API URLs which do not expire after a few minutes so while the setting is active, anyone in possession of the link provided can access the information. Due to this, it is extremely important that you keep these links private and for your use only. If you think someone else may have acquired access to a link using this key in the future, you must immediately create a new key pair on the 'My Profile' page under the 'HTTP API' and update the iCalendar links afterwards.
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