From 11-15th of December 2017, PANDA organises its first lecture week. This week is intended for (under)graduate students to familiarise them with the various aspects of the PANDA experiment.
In the mornings, there will be several lectures dedicated to the physics program of PANDA. These includes topics such as basics of QCD, spectroscopy studies of meson-like and exotic systems, strangeness baryon spectroscopy, the structure of the nucleon, hyperon dynamics, and hadrons in nuclei.
Besides the physics program of PANDA, there will be four instrumentation-focussed lectures dedicated to the topic of electronics, addressing its basic concepts and theory, the architecture of front end components, the effect of radiation, and analogue and time-to-digital converters.
The afternoons will be allocated to software and analysis aspects of PANDA. It will be organised via hands-on workshops in which the student will build up experiences in PANDA software and statistical methods.
The days will be closed by several late-afternoon colloquium-type talks addressing hot topics in the field of hadron physics or related fields.
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