Invited speakers
David Alessi, LLNL, USA on "Petawatt pulse compressors and diagnostics"
Yasunobu Arikawa, Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan
Sudeep Banerjee, University of Nebraska, USA on "Laser-electron scattering in the strongly nonlinear regime and the generation of high-order harmonics"
C. P. J. Barty, University of California, USA on "2018 ICUIL Facility Census"
Nathalie Blanchot, CEA, France on "PETAL laser performances on the first experimental campaigns on targets"
Enam Chowdhury, Ohio State University, USA on "High damage threshold optics in ultra-intense laser systems: State of the art and Next Gen Optics"
Tom Cowan, HZDR, Germany
Colin Danson, AWE Aldermaston, UK
Dan Haberberger, UR/LLE, USA on "Designing an Efficient Raman Amplifier"
Yin Hang, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanism, China on "235mm-size Ti:sapphire for 10 PW Ultrafast laser facility"
Zhanggui Hu, Tianjin University of Technology, China on "Large-size LBO crystal for Ultrahigh Intensity Laser"
Satyabrata Kar, Queens University Belfast, UK
Yoshiaki Kato, The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries, Japan on "High Intensity Lasers: Activities in Asia and R&D Programs in Japan"
Georg Korn, ELI-beamlines, Czech Republic on "ELI - next steps toward user facilities"
Yuxin Leng, SIOM, China
Jens Limpert, University of Jena, Germany
Chang Hee Nam, GIST, South Korea on "Strong field QED research with multi-PW laser"
Thomas Oksenhendler, ITEOX, France on "Single-shot high-dynamic temporal and spatio-temporal characterizations by self-referenced spectral interferometry"
Karoly Osvay, ELI-ALPS, Hungary
Keqiang Qiu, University of Science and Technology of China on "Meter-scale Multilayer Dielectric Gratings for High Power Laser system in China"
Jorge Rocca, Colorado State University, USA on "US Intense Laser Facilities, Activities and Network"
Carl Schroeder, LBNL, USA on "Laser-Plasma Acceleration Research at BELLA"
Stéphane Sebban, LOA, France on "Recent progress on laser-driven soft x-ray lasers"
Dan Symes, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK on "Feedback control of the spatio-temporal properties of high-intensity laser pulses to optimize x-ray and 100 MeV electron generation"
Paraskevas Tzallas, FORTH-IESL, Greece and ELI-ALPS, Hungary on "From quantum-optical XUV spectrometry to ultrafast nonlinear XUV optics"
Ken-Ichi Ueda, ILS/UEC, Japan on "A New Concept on Thermal-Lens-Free Solid State Laser: Heat Capacitive Active Mirror HCAM"
Kainan Zhou, Laser Fusion Research Center, China