Nanosecond plasma
- Nikolay Andreev (JIHT RAS)
Antonio Roberto Piriz
(Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
6/23/17, 10:30 AM
A model for the hydrodynamic attenuation (growth and decay) of planar shocks is presented. The model is based on the approximate integration of the fluid conservation equations, and it does not require the heuristic assumptions used in some previous works [1]. A key issue of the model is that the boundary condition on the piston surface is given by the retarded pressure, which takes into...
Yongtao Zhao
6/23/17, 10:50 AM
Here we will report the recent progress on ion beam plasma interaction.
The measured energy loss of 400keV helium ion was much lower than the theoretical predictions.It was also found that, there were quite a few fraction of He1+ after the He2+ ion beam passing though the plasma, so that the effective charge state should be lower than the nuclear charge taken for theoritical calculation.
A Schoenlein
(GU Frankfurt)
6/23/17, 11:10 AM
A. Schoenlein 2, O.N. Rosmej 1,2, S. Zähter 2, C. Adra 2, M. El Houssaini 2, P. Beloiu2, B. Borm2, D. Khaghani2, E. Kozlova1, S. Hagmann1, J. Jacoby2
1. Helmholtzzentrum GSI-Darmstadt, Planck str.1, Darmstadt, Germany
2. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Intense uranium beams that will be available after commissioning of the new synchrotron...