Laser-based plasma
- Christian Spielmann (FSU Jena)
Tilo Doeppner
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
6/22/17, 2:00 PM
A precise knowledge of ionization at given temperature and density is required to accurately model compressibility and heat capacity of materials at extreme conditions. We have developed an experimental platform for x-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS) measurements at the National Ignition Facility [1-3] to characterize the plasma conditions in plastic and beryllium capsules in implosion...
Peter Mulser
(Technical university Darmstadt)
6/22/17, 2:25 PM
High power laser beams emit in the near infrared regime. When such a laser interacts at relativistic intensity with high density targets and intense particle beams it emits coherent and incoherent electromagnetic radiation into an extremely wide spectral domain, to begin with intense Terahertz radiation from filamented dense plasmas, to continue with continuous black body and bremsstrahlung...
Dimitri Khaghani
(Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
6/22/17, 2:45 PM
In the framework of a project funded by the BMBF, we gather inquiries from the different parts of the APPA collaboration which have a common interest in the development of x-ray spectrometers as diagnostics in their experimental studies. It seems clear that the different applications require specific spectroscopic solutions depending on the photon energy range, the need for spectral and...
Dieter H. Schneider
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
6/22/17, 3:10 PM
Dynamic high energy density plasmas (HEDP) as they are generated in the pico- to nano-second time domain at high-energy laser facilities enable nuclear science research in HED environments. At the National Ignition Facility (NIF), the primary goal of Inertial Confinement Fusion research has led to the synergistic development of a unique high brightness neutron source, sophisticated nuclear...