Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Ultrafast plasma
- Paul Neumayer (GSI, Darmstadt)
Siegfried Glenzer
(SLAC National Laboratory)
22.06.17, 09:00
Alexander Pukhov
(Uni Dusseldorf)
22.06.17, 09:30
As the laser technology continues its spectacular development, ever higher field intensities and power levels become accessible in laboratories. This opens new horizons for laser applications in ultra-bright sources of short wavelength radiation. At the same time, the laser pulse quality – like the
contrast ratio – is greatly improved so that fine structured targets maintain their structure...
Artem Korzhimanov
(Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
22.06.17, 09:50
One of the most universal methods to create the matter at high energy density is the use of energetic ions slowing down in the substance. Contemporary sources of heavy ions are not able, however, to heat the matter to a temperatures above several tens eV. An alternative approach to ion acceleration is based on high intensity laser-matter interaction. Recently, it has been shown that a kJ laser...
Olga Rosmej
(GSI, Darmstadt)
22.06.17, 10:10
O.N. Rosmej 1,2, J. Samsonova 3, A. Schoenlein 2, S. Zähter 2, C. Adra 2, D. Khaghani 2, A. Hoffmann3, S. Höfner 3, D. Kartashov 3, I. Uschmann 3, C. Spielmann3, M. Kaluza 3,4, N. Andreev5,6, L. Pugachev5,6
1. Helmholtzzentrum GSI-Darmstadt, Planck str.1, Darmstadt, Germany
2. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
3. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität,...