! Important ! 

This is now the third time we want to prepare and publish the new annual report 'New and Reports from High Energy Density generated by Heavy iOn and Laser Beams' which has replaced  the one called 'High Energy Density with Intense Ion and Laser Beams'.  For those of you who have not yet contributed to the last two issues of the new report please remark that the old procedure for uploading contributions to the predecessor of this report  is no longer valid. -  Please see and follow the  'Instructions for Submission' for uploading the files with your contribution(s) via this Indico-webpage !

The time period for submission of your contributions starts at February 20th, 2017 and will close at  April 2nd, 2017. Afterwards your contributions will be reviewed by the editors or a coordinator for your scientific field, corrections will probably be asked for. Authors who should submit a revised version of their contributions will be notified by e-mail. Therefore the page will be open again for a time span during which uploading corrected versions of papers will be possible.

For your information you can access the last issue of the report via the link in the grey Overview box at the left side of this page.

Those of you who willl submit a contribution not only to this report but  also to the 'GSI Scientific Report'  will have to cross refenrence this in the reports, see instructions for writting a contribution. Also keep in mind that the templates  for  this report and the GSI Scientific Report are different and you have to adjust your contribution to the differing template.

If you have questions or need support for uploading contributions contact Karin Weyrich by e-mail: k.weyrich@gsi.de or by phone +49 6159 712291.
GSI, Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Planckstrasse 1, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany
Editors of the Report:

Karin Weyrich (k.weyrich@gsi.de)

Dieter Hoffmann (hoffmann@physik.tu-darmstadt.de)