24-25 April 2017
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung
Europe/Berlin timezone

PEGASUS – A versatile spin-polarized electron target

24 Apr 2017, 19:10
Hörsaal KBW 1.017 (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung)

Hörsaal KBW 1.017

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung

Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt Germany
Poster Instrumentation Posters


Mr Daniel Schury (GSI, Darmstadt)


We present PEGASUS, a versatile and mobile spin-polarized electron target designed, constructed and build at GSI. It consists of a laser diode driven bulk GaAs photocathode, extraction energies up to 10 keV and an electrostatical cylindrical bender turning the polarization angle. First results characterizing the beam parameters will be shown, as well as proposed experiments, focussing on the dissociation of molecular ions in storage rings through polarized electrons. Also, ideas for experiments with chiral molecules and H+3 will be presented.

Primary author

Mr Daniel Schury (GSI, Darmstadt)


Anton Kalinin (GSI, Darmstadt) Christophor Kozhuharov (GSI, Darmstadt) Dr Michael Lestinsky (GSI, Darmstadt) Siegbert Hagmann (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt(UFfm-IKP)/GSI-Darmstadt) Stefan Schippers (JLU Giessen) Thomas Stöhlker (GSI, Darmstadt)

Presentation Materials

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