Sep 25 – 29, 2017
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

First Circular



Dear colleagues,

we are very pleased to announce NUSTAR Week 2017 to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The event will be hosted by Jozef Stefan Institute and will take place from 25th to 29th of September.

Our goal is to provide an intense week of discussion, working-group meetings and new opportunities for collaboration.

With this circular we want to encourage your participation in the meeting and provide you with some practical information that you might find useful in planning your trip.

In due time you will receive further information on the program and travel details so please follow the web page for updates. Please distribute this message to interested people you know and note the dates in your diary if you have not already done so.

We look forward to welcoming you in Ljubljana.

For the organizing committee
Matej Lipoglavsek