28. Mai 2017 bis 3. Juni 2017
Hotel Medium Sitges Park
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone
Workshop for young scientists with research interests focused on physics at FAIR

Invited speakers

Invited Speakers

Dr. Saul Beceiro Novo Michigan State University

"Physics behind the NUSTAR project"

Dr. Alexander Kalweit - CERN

"Overview of (ultra-)relativistic heavy-ion physics from SIS18 to LHC energies"

Dr. Georgy Kornakov - TU Darmstadt

"Measurements and understanding of properties of hot and dense nuclear matter with HADES"

Dr. Andreas Krassnigg - University of Graz

"Fundamental approaches to hadron spectroscopy"

Dr. Attila Pasztor - University of Wuppertal

"The QCD phase diagram and lattice calculations"

Dr. Elisabetta Prencipe - Forschungszentrum Jülich

"Open charm physics: from e+e- experiments to ppbar machines"

Dr. Ilya Selyuzhenkov - GSI

"The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR"

Dr. Xiaofei Yang - KU Leuven

 "Precision laser spectroscopy and applications"