Invited Speakers
Dr. Saul Beceiro Novo - Michigan State University
"Physics behind the NUSTAR project"
Dr. Alexander Kalweit - CERN
"Overview of (ultra-)relativistic heavy-ion physics from SIS18 to LHC energies"
Dr. Georgy Kornakov - TU Darmstadt
"Measurements and understanding of properties of hot and dense nuclear matter with HADES"
Dr. Andreas Krassnigg - University of Graz
"Fundamental approaches to hadron spectroscopy"
Dr. Attila Pasztor - University of Wuppertal
"The QCD phase diagram and lattice calculations"
Dr. Elisabetta Prencipe - Forschungszentrum Jülich
"Open charm physics: from e+e- experiments to ppbar machines"
Dr. Ilya Selyuzhenkov - GSI
"The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR"
Dr. Xiaofei Yang - KU Leuven
"Precision laser spectroscopy and applications"