Bernadette Kolbinger
(Stefan Meyer Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Antihydrogen: CPT and gravity
Poster presentation
The ASACUSA collaboration at CERNs Antiproton Decelerator aims to
measure the ground-state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen using a spec-
troscopy method as a means to test CPT symmetry. The Rabi-type setup
consists of an antiproton accumulator, a positron source, and a mixing trap
functioning as antihydrogen source and a spectroscopy apparatus made out
of a microwave cavity and a...
Sebastian Kalista
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Antihydrogen: CPT and gravity
Poster presentation
The AEgIS Collaboration at CERN will perform the world’s first direct measurement of the Earth´s gravitational acceleration on antimatter, by sending an antihydrogen beam through a classical deflectometer. I will present a detector for a first measurement of the gravitational effects on an antimatter system. The detector consists of pure Caesium Iodide crystals and commercially available...
Carina Trippl
12/09/2017, 18:00
Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
Poster presentation
The measurement of kaonic deuterium atoms provides an ideal setting to gather information about the strong interaction of particles with strangeness at low energy. In the E57 experiment at J-PARC and with SIDDHARTA-2 at DAΦNE the shift and width of the K-d 1s state will be determined by using newly developed Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) as a high precision x-ray detector. For both...
Niveya Valappol
(University of Groningen)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Leptonic atoms: QED and gravity
Poster presentation
Through precision spectroscopy on Ba+ ions we determine precisely the 6s2S1/2 - 6p2P1/2, 6p2P1/2 - 5d2D3/2, 6s2S1/2 - 5d2D3/2 transition frequencies. In these experiments we employ laser-cooled single trapped ions. The optical frequencies are controlled by a frequency comb and I2 line locked laser system. We have achieved more than 2 orders of magnitude improved values, i.e. we have reached...
Mehmet Cem Guclu
(Istanbul Technical University)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Antihydrogen: CPT and gravity
Poster presentation
Colliding beams of heavy ions at energies per nucleon in the
range 10^2 - 10^4 GeV, corresponding to experiments RHIC at Brookhaven, and LHC at CERN, suggested that intense electromagnetic fields of these ions can produce relatively large fluxes of electron and heavy lepton pairs. The bound-free pair production (BFPP) is one of the processes that restrict the luminosity of the ion beams. In...
Shinji Okada
12/09/2017, 18:00
Future facilities and instrumentation
Poster presentation
To explore the quantum collision dynamics of the stored molecular ions by the merging experiments with a beam of the neutral atoms, we are developing a new technique of mass spectroscopy for the neutral molecular fragments from the collisions using an array of superconducting transition-edge-sensor (TES) microcalorimeters at a brand-new cryogenic electrostatic ion storage ring in RIKEN (Wako,...
Dominik Steinschaden
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Future facilities and instrumentation
Poster presentation
The PANDA experiment, currently under construction at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany, addresses fundamental questions in hadron and nuclear physics via interactions of antiprotons with a proton or nuclei, e.g. light and charm exotics, multi-strange baryons and hadrons in nuclei. It will be installed at the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR), which will...
Zhehui Wang
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Precision experiments with cold neutrons
Poster presentation
Two new experimental capabilities developed at LANL, the unprecedented ultracold neutron (UCN) source intensity and a highly accurate imaging UCN spectroscopy [1, 2], open door to precision UCN physics including quantum physics. UCNs provide one of the most sensitive probes for quantum physics and fluctuations since neutrons carry no electric charge and have already shown energy sensitivity...
Dimitar Bakalov
(Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Leptonic atoms: QED and gravity
Poster presentation
A brief overview of the recent progress in the research program of the FAMU collaboration is presented, with particular emphasize on the development of a mathematical model of the multi-pass optical cavity, needed for the optimization of the experimental set-up for the measurement of the hyperfine splitting in the ground state of the muonic hydrogen atom by laser spectroscopy methods. The...
Steffen Maurus
(TU München)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Low-energy QCD
Poster presentation
World data for elastic $\Lambda-p$ scattering over a wide range of relative momenta are quite scarce and only available for small beam momenta with an overall statistics of less then 200.
The situation for $\pi^-$-induced reactions is even more limited.
In order to improve the theoretical description, new constraints are necessary to parametrise the cross sections.
In this context a...
Aaron Capon
Sebastian Lehner
(Stefan-Meyer Institute)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Hadron physics at LHC
Poster presentation
Results from non-perturbative QCD indicate that chiral symmetry may be restored in the hot and dense matter produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions. This restoration would affect the vector meson mass spectrum and could be examined with the ALICE detector at the LHC. One of the most promising probes to study these effects are dileptons (mu+mu- and e+e-) from rho meson decays since they...
Konstantin Beloborodov
(Budker INP)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Future facilities and instrumentation
Poster presentation
We present the physics program of a high-luminosity low-energy $e^+e^-$ collider, which project is developed in BINP (Novosibirsk). The collider center-of-mass energy varies from 210 MeV up to 960 MeV. The physics program includes observaion and study of the $\mu^+mu^-$ bound state, dimuonium, measurement of effects of the final state interaction in the reactions $e^+e^-\to \mu^+mu^-$ and...
I.B. Khriplovich
(Sanct-Petersburg University)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Hadron physics at LHC
Poster presentation
We consider the electromagnetic production of positron in collision of slow heavy nuclei, with the simultaneously produced electron captured by one of the nuclei. The cross-section of the discussed process exceeds essentially the cross-section of e^+ e^- production.
azam Ghaffari-tooran
(Semnan University of Iran)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Low-energy QCD
Poster presentation
We present the results of non-singlet QCD analysis of xF3(x,Q2)
structure function in NLO and NNLO which are performed based on
charged current (CC) neutrino-nucleon deep inelastic scattering (DIS).
In this analysis we extract the valence quark parton distributions
xuv(x,Q2) and xdv(x,Q2) in a wide range of x and Q2, and
determine their parameterization in two different scenarios with...
valeriy nazaruk
(Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS,)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
Poster presentation
It is shown that in the previous calculations of $K^0_{S}$ regeneration the noncoupled equations of motion have been considered instead of coupled one. We present the calculations based on the exact solution of coupled equations of motion and perturbation theory. The results differ radically from the previous ones.
Takuma Yamashita
(Tohoku University)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Antihydrogen: CPT and gravity
Poster presentation
An antihydrogen atom for a precise spectroscopy and a free-fall experiment is prepared in a high vacuum (~1 pPa) in a low temperature (down to a few Kelvin) and may annihilate with impurity particles: hydrogen atoms/ions, electrons and other gas atoms. Precise data of collision processes are required in the forthcoming experiments.
The collision process of the antihydrogen atom and a...
Andreas Pichler
(Stefan-Meyer Institut für subatomare Physik)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Leptonic atoms: QED and gravity
Poster presentation
The Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) is the foundation for our understanding of physics where systems of fermions are concerned. Therefore, it is important to make precision tests of the PEP. In a pioneering experiment, Ramberg and Snow supplied an electric current to a Cu target, and searched for PEP violating atomic transitions of the “fresh" electrons from the current. The non-existence of...
Daniel Moser
(Technische Universität Wien)
12/09/2017, 18:00
Precision experiments with cold neutrons
Poster presentation
We present a new method of spectroscopy, utilizing a drift effect to disperse charged particles in a uniformly curved magnetic field. The curved field results in a drift of the charged particles perpendicular to the radius of the curvature and to the magnetic field, which is proportional to the particle’s momentum. A spatial-resolving detector will determine the momentum spectra.
The first...