10-15 September 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Physics program of a high-luminosity low-energy collider

12 Sep 2017, 18:00
Aula (Vienna)



Austrian Academy of Sciences Theatersaal Sonnenfelsgasse 19 1010 Vienna, Austria
Poster presentation Future facilities and instrumentation Poster


Konstantin Beloborodov (Budker INP)


We present the physics program of a high-luminosity low-energy $e^+e^-$ collider, which project is developed in BINP (Novosibirsk). The collider center-of-mass energy varies from 210 MeV up to 960 MeV. The physics program includes observaion and study of the $\mu^+mu^-$ bound state, dimuonium, measurement of effects of the final state interaction in the reactions $e^+e^-\to \mu^+mu^-$ and $e^+e^-\to \pi^+pi^-$ near thresholds, precise measurement of hadronic cross sections ($e^+e^-\to \pi^+pi^-$, $\pi^+pi^-\pi0$, $\pi^0\gamma$ etc.), study of rare processes, in particular, observation of direct production of the pseudoscalar mesons $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$.

Primary author

Konstantin Beloborodov (Budker INP)

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