10-15 September 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Search for the neutron electric dipole moment at the Paul Scherrer Institute

14 Sep 2017, 10:00


Austrian Academy of Sciences Theatersaal Sonnenfelsgasse 19 1010 Vienna, Austria
Oral presentation Precision experiments with cold neutrons


Dr Stephanie Roccia (CSNSM Universite Paris Sud)


S. Roccia, on behalf of the nEDM collaboration (http://nedm.web.psi.ch/) At the Paul Scherrer Institute, a collaboration of 15 institutions is conducting an experiment to search for a permanent neutron electric dipole moment. The experiment uses ultracold neutrons (UCN) stored in vacuum at room temperature. This technique provided the last (and best) limit by the RAL/Sussex/ILL collaboration in 2006: 2.9 × 10-26 e cm (90% C.L.). We aim at improving this limit using an upgrade of the same apparatus. The data taking is finishing and an overview of the sensitivity will be given together with a status report on the control of the systematic effects. In particular I will discuss some of the most recent developments and their impact on the sensitivity and conclude with the perspectives of this collaborative work. Also the collaboration is preparing a next generation apparatus, named n2EDM. I will present the key aspects of its design.

Primary author

Dr Stephanie Roccia (CSNSM Universite Paris Sud)

Presentation Materials