Sep 26 – 27, 2016
Monday: SB3 3.170a Seminarraum Theorie, Tuesday: KBW building side room
Europe/Berlin timezone
The workshop is organized by the LIGHT collaboration and focuses on the beam shaping of laser-driven ion beams. The main topics are: - Laser-driven ion sources and ion collection strategies - Laser-driven ion beamlines worldwide - Last results from the LIGHT experiment - Brainstorming on the future plans for LIGHT - Applications of laser-driven ion beamlines The workshop will start Monday, September 26th, at 01:00 PM and will end on Tuesday, September 27th, around afternoon. There will be several sessions for talks and discussions as well as a dinner on Monday evening. Registration please via the form on this page. Application for a talk is possible within the registration form, too. (If you have an indico account, you may first log in and then use it for the registration process.)
Monday: SB3 3.170a Seminarraum Theorie, Tuesday: KBW building side room
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Planckstrasse 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany