1:00 PM
(until 1:15 PM)
1:15 PM
Source Optimization
(until 2:05 PM)
1:15 PM
Generating Intense Ion Beam with PHELIX for LIGHT
- Dr
Vincent Bagnoud
(GSI, Darmstadt)
1:40 PM
Target Fabrication Techniques at TUD & Future Challenges
- Dr
Gabriel Schaumann
(TU Darmstadt)
2:05 PM
LIGHT: Status quo I
(until 3:20 PM)
2:05 PM
Current status of the LIGHT beamline - towards highest proton intensities
Diana Jahn
(GSI, Darmstadt)
2:25 PM
Pepperpot measurements within LIGHT
- Mr
Simon Weih
(TU Darmstadt)
2:45 PM
Materials research applications with high intensity laser driven proton beams
- Dr
Marilena Tomut
(GSI, Darmstadt)
3:20 PM
Coffee Break
(until 3:35 PM)
3:35 PM
LIGHT: Status quo II
(until 4:00 PM)
3:35 PM
Heavy Ion Beams for Isochoric Heating within the scope of LIGHT
Johannes Ding
4:00 PM
Related Research Activities 0
(until 4:25 PM)
4:00 PM
Laser-driven ion acceleration for LIGHT at HI-Jena
- Prof.
Malte Kaluza
(Helmholtz-Institute Jena)
4:25 PM
(until 5:35 PM)
5:35 PM
(until 7:30 PM)
7:30 PM
(until 10:00 PM)