August 26, 2016
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Europe/Berlin timezone

General Info


We are grateful for the support of the Helmholtz Institute Mainz


All topics that are within  the scope of the workshop shall be discussed and we ask for submission of contributions. Especially welcome are the following topics:

  • Results from the scientific program at TASCA and other gas-filled separators
  • Heavy element separation in gas-filled separators and related topics
  • Theoretical modeling of gas-filled separator performance
  • Window and target designs for high intensity heavy-ion beams
  • Coupling of chemistry devices to gas-filled separators
  • Detectors and data acquisition
    • α-, γ-, and conversion electron spectroscopy in the focal plane
    • in combination with chemistry experiments
  • Nuclear structure and stability (half lives, decay modes)
  • Nuclear reactions (fusion reactions, target-projectile combinations, cross sections, multi-nucleon transfer products)
  • Achievements and perspectives in superheavy element chemistry


The workshop will be held at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt.
It takes place in the lecture hall in the new office building right beside the main parking lot (lecture hall KBW 1.17).

History of the TASCA Workshops


There will be invited talks as well as oral presentations selected from the submitted contributions. In the spirit of a workshop, there will also be time allotted for short, spontaneous contributions and ample time for discussions.

All authors – those with invited talks and those submitting an oral contribution – are requested to submit a short abstract before July 08, 2016.
Send the abstract (a few sentences up to max. one page including the title, author(s), affiliation(s),
figure(s), table(s) and references) as MS Word or Open Office document as well as a pdf-file to ensure correct character encoding, to

The official language is English.


No fee will be charged for the workshop.

Important Dates

  • The deadline for abstract submission is July 08, 2016
  • Authors will be notified until mid of July 2016
  • A preliminary program will be available approximately at the end of July 2016
  • The deadline for registration is August 20, 2016


Instead of proceedings, we are planning to make copies of all files / transparencies presented during the workshop, and make these available on the workshop website (subject to author's permission).

Authors are requested to provide the organizers with an electronic file before the end of the workshop.