HGF-DTS Gaseous Detectors (01)

C26 2.014 (GSI)

C26 2.014


GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH | Planckstr. 1 | 64291 Darmstadt | Telefon: +49-6159-71- 1838
Bernd Voss (GSI, Darmstadt)
more information
    • 1
      Introduction to HGF/DTS
      Sprecher: Bernd Voss (GSI), Oliver Schäfer (DESY)
    • 2
      Round of introductions
      Sprecher: Everybody
    • 3
      Brainstorming and discussions
      Potential topics: - Infrastructure locally available at the sites which might be shareable - Student exchange and other networking platforms (workshops, on-site trainings, wiki pages, data bases etc.) - Knowledge base, esp. on topics relevant to gaseous detector systems (literature, basic data, tutorials etc.)
      Sprecher: Everybody
    • 4
      Organizational issues
      Sprecher: Bernd Voss (GSI, Darmstadt)