14-19 February 2016
Europe/Berlin timezone

Charm physics + XYZ states at BESIII

15 Feb 2016, 10:45



Evgeny Boger (JINR Dubna, Russia)


The BESIII Experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC2) collected large data samples for electron-positron collisions with center-of-mass above 4 GeV during 2013 and 2014. The analysis of these samples has resulted in a number of surprising discoveries, such as the discoveries of the electrically charged "Zc" structures, which, if resonant, cannot be accomodated in the traditional charm quark and anti-charm quark picture of charmonium. In this talk, we will review the current status of the analyses of the Zc structures, as well as a number of other interesting features in the new BESIII data samples.

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