TIARA stands for Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area. The overall aim of TIARA is to facilitate and optimize the R&D efforts in the field of accelerator science and technology in Europe. This endeavor involves a large number of partners in many European countries. The interested partners include national and international organizations managing large research centers, universities as well as industrial companies.
This workshop, which is following a series of two past events on RF power and Superconductivity, is supposed to have its focus on:
• Large scale refrigeration
• Magnet testing environments
• Cryostat interconnections
• Large scale transfer systems
• Ceramic steel joints
• Operation of large scale cryogenic systems
• Cryogenic control systems
• Cryogenic sensors, actors and read out systems
The organizing committee is open for additional topics fitting into the scope of the workshop.
The program will consist of oral presentations, a poster session and an industrial exhibition.
CONTACT US: tiara-registration@gsi.de
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