Sep 22 – 27, 2014
Vietri sul Mare
Europe/Berlin timezone

Chiral phase transition and critical endpoint in the vectormeson extended linear sigma model

Sep 23, 2014, 11:30 AM
Hotel meeting room (Vietri sul Mare)

Hotel meeting room

Vietri sul Mare


Dr Peter Kovacs (Wigner RCP)


We investigate the effects of (axial)vector mesons on the chiral phase transition in the framework of an SU(3), (axial)vector meson extended linear sigma model with additional constituent quarks and Polyakov loops. We determine the parameters of the Lagrangian at zero temperature in a hybrid approach, where we treat the mesons at tree-level, while the constituent quarks at 1-loop level. We assume two nonzero scalar condensates and determine their temperature and baryochemical potential dependence according to the hybrid 1-loop level equations of states. We determine whether there is a critical endpoint of the phase boundary in the baryochemical potential - temperature plane. We also investigate the changes of the tree-level scalar/vector meson masses in the hot and dense medium.

Primary authors

Prof. Gyorgy Wolf (Wigner RCP) Dr Peter Kovacs (Wigner RCP) Dr Zsolt Szep (Research Group for Statistical and, Biological Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
