Sep 22 – 27, 2014
Vietri sul Mare
Europe/Berlin timezone

Non-perturbative relativistic calculations of electronic quantum dynamics in low-energy ion-atom collisions

Sep 27, 2014, 5:00 PM
Hotel meeting room (Vietri sul Mare)

Hotel meeting room

Vietri sul Mare


Dr Kozhedub Yury (Saint Petersburg State University)


Heavy-ion collisions play a very important role in studying of relativistic quantum dynamics of electrons in the presence of strong electromagnetic fields [J. Eichler and W. E. Meyerhof, Relativistic Atomic Collisions, (Academic Press, New York, 1995)]. What is more, if the total charge of the colliding nuclei is larger than the critical one, Z1 + Z2 > 173, such collisions can provide a unique tool for tests of quantum electrodynamic effects at the supercritical fields [ W. Greiner, B. Mueller, J. Rafelski, Quantum Electrodynamics of Strong Fields, (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985); Proceedings of the Memorial Symposium for Gerhard Soff, Ed.: W. Greiner and J. Reinhardt, (EP Systema, Budapest, 2005)]. In oder to investigate of these effects one have to be able to describe in details the relativistic quantum dynamics of electrons in low-energy ion-atom collisions. Realization of FAIR project and particular CRYRING at the present GSI SIS18/ESR facility will open novel and unique physics opportunities with large discovery potential for studying low-energy heavy ion-atom collisions. In the work we present results of non-perturbative relativistic calculations of electronic quantum dynamics in low-energy ion-atom collisions. Method of calculations is based on the independent particle model, where the effective many-particle Hamiltonian is approximated by a sum of single-particle Hamiltonians reducing the electronic many-particle problem to a set of single-particle equations for all electrons in the collision system. Dirac-Kohn-Sham operator is taken as effective sigle-electron Hamiltonian. Solving of the effective single-particle equations is based on coupled-channel approach with atomic-like Dirac-Sturm-Fock orbitals, localized at the ions (atoms) [I.I. Tupitsyn et al., Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010) 042701; 85 (2012) 032712; Y.S. Kozhedub et al., Phys. Scr. T156 (2013) 014053.] Many-particle probabilities are calculated in terms of single-particle amplitudes employing the formalism of inclusive probabilities [H.J. Luedde and R.M. Dreizler, J. Phys. B 18 (1985) 107; P.Kuerpick, H.J.Luedde, Comput. Phys. Commun. 75 (1993) 127]. Calculations are performed for systems already studied experimentally and theoretically Ne--Ne$^{9+}$, Ar--S$^{15+}$, as well as for systems Xe--Xe$^{52+ - 54+}$, Xe—Bi$^{83+}$, which experimental research is planed at GSI in the nearest future. The role of relativistic and many-particles effects is analyzed.

Primary author

Dr Kozhedub Yury (Saint Petersburg State University)


Prof. Ilya Tupitsyn (Saint Petersburg State University) Prof. Siegbert Hagmann (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung) Thomas Stöhlker (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI)) Prof. Vladimir Shabaev (Saint Petersburg State University)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
