September 28, 2014 to October 3, 2014
Schloss Rheinfels, St. Goar
Europe/Berlin timezone

Invited Speakers

These invited speakers have accepted presenting at STORI'14:

Klaus Blaum Fundamental tests of nature and a high-precision measurement of the atomic mass of the electron
Carsten Brandau Storage ring experiments of resonant electron-ion collisions at the interface of atomic and nuclear physics
Kai-Thomas Brinkmann Physics prospects with PANDA at FAIR
Antonio De Santis The DAFNE storage rings at Frascati
Thomas Faestermann Lifetime Measurements of Nuclei in Few-Electron Ions
Daniel Fischer Reaction microscopes at storage rings
Sidney Gales Future radioactive-ion beam facilities
Kirill Grigoryev Internal targets at storage rings
Alexandre Gumberidze Atomic physics at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
Paul Indelicato QED at storage rings: theory and experiments
Klaus Jungmann Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions
Vsevolod Kamerdzhiev Electron cooling at COSY and HESR
Takeshi Katayama Antiproton Chain of FAIR Storage Rings
Alfons Khoukaz Recent results from ANKE, WASA and PAX
Oleg Kiselev The EXL project, recent results and the future perspectives
Ronja Knöbel Results and perspectives of direct mass measurements with stored relativistic exotic nuclei
Ivan Koop New ideas for colliding beam experiments
Karlheinz Langanke Modern Quests in Nuclear Astrophysics
Igor Meshkov Storage and cooling of ion beams
Thomas Nilsson The NuSTAR Project at FAIR
Wilfried Nörtershäuser Laser spectroscopy at storage rings
Tetsuya Ohnishi The SCRIT electron scattering project at RIKEN RI Beam Factory
Dieter Prasuhn Storage rings at FAIR
Jörg Pretz Electric Dipole Moment Measurements at Storage Rings
Riccardo Raabe The TSR@ISOLDE Project at CERN
Henning Schmidt Electrostatic storage rings
Boris Sharkov The FAIR Project
Nikolay Shurkhno The Nuclotron/NICA Project at JINR
Andrey Surzhykov Electron dynamics in strong electromagnetic fields: Atomic physics with highly-charged heavy ions
Robert von Hahn The CSR project at MPIK
Eberhard Widmann Physics with low-energy antiprotons
Philip Woods In-ring experiments for nuclear astrophysics
Takayuki Yamaguchi Present status of the Rare-RI Ring facility at RIBF
Jiancheng Yang  The HIAF project in China
YuHu Zhang Precision mass measurements of short-lived nuclides at storage ring in Lanzhou