Klaus Blaum |
Fundamental tests of nature and a high-precision measurement of the atomic mass of the electron |
Carsten Brandau |
Storage ring experiments of resonant electron-ion collisions at the interface of atomic and nuclear physics |
Kai-Thomas Brinkmann |
Physics prospects with PANDA at FAIR |
Antonio De Santis |
The DAFNE storage rings at Frascati |
Thomas Faestermann |
Lifetime Measurements of Nuclei in Few-Electron Ions |
Daniel Fischer |
Reaction microscopes at storage rings |
Sidney Gales |
Future radioactive-ion beam facilities |
Kirill Grigoryev |
Internal targets at storage rings |
Alexandre Gumberidze |
Atomic physics at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research |
Paul Indelicato |
QED at storage rings: theory and experiments |
Klaus Jungmann |
Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions |
Vsevolod Kamerdzhiev |
Electron cooling at COSY and HESR |
Takeshi Katayama |
Antiproton Chain of FAIR Storage Rings |
Alfons Khoukaz |
Recent results from ANKE, WASA and PAX |
Oleg Kiselev |
The EXL project, recent results and the future perspectives |
Ronja Knöbel |
Results and perspectives of direct mass measurements with stored relativistic exotic nuclei |
Ivan Koop |
New ideas for colliding beam experiments |
Karlheinz Langanke |
Modern Quests in Nuclear Astrophysics |
Igor Meshkov |
Storage and cooling of ion beams |
Thomas Nilsson |
The NuSTAR Project at FAIR |
Wilfried Nörtershäuser |
Laser spectroscopy at storage rings |
Tetsuya Ohnishi |
The SCRIT electron scattering project at RIKEN RI Beam Factory |
Dieter Prasuhn |
Storage rings at FAIR |
Jörg Pretz |
Electric Dipole Moment Measurements at Storage Rings |
Riccardo Raabe |
The TSR@ISOLDE Project at CERN |
Henning Schmidt |
Electrostatic storage rings |
Boris Sharkov |
The FAIR Project |
Nikolay Shurkhno |
The Nuclotron/NICA Project at JINR |
Andrey Surzhykov |
Electron dynamics in strong electromagnetic fields: Atomic physics with highly-charged heavy ions |
Robert von Hahn |
The CSR project at MPIK |
Eberhard Widmann |
Physics with low-energy antiprotons |
Philip Woods |
In-ring experiments for nuclear astrophysics |
Takayuki Yamaguchi |
Present status of the Rare-RI Ring facility at RIBF |
Jiancheng Yang |
The HIAF project in China |
YuHu Zhang |
Precision mass measurements of short-lived nuclides at storage ring in Lanzhou |