Jun 23 – 26, 2014
Europe/Berlin timezone
The 4th EGAN workshop will take place at GSI Darmstadt, Germany, on June 23-26, 2014.

After the past successful editions in Padova (2011), Orsay (2012) and Liverpool (2013), which have been dedicated to the status of gamma-spectroscopy research, to aspects related to the use and development of ancillary devices and to the collaboration between theoreticians and experimentalists, respectively, this workshop will be focussed on the physics with large germanium arrays. In particular, we would like to explore different methods and techniques from both the structure and reaction mechanism points of view to plan and design new experiments at the stable and radioactive beam facilities.

The annual open meeting of the AGATA Collaboration and the meetings of the EGAN working groups will also be held during the workshop.

Important dates :
- Registration : until 15th June 2014
- GSI accommodation : book by 25th May 2014
- Request financial support : until 16th May 2014
- Deadline for abstract submission : 30th April 2014
- Notification to contributors : 9th May 2014

The Organizing Committee: M. Gόrska, J. Gerl, C. Louchart, S.M. Lenzi, A. Gadea, J. Simpson. 

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