15-16 May 2014
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone


Antihydrogen and Antiprotons II

15 May 2014, 15:30
Zentraler Seminarraum (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany)

Zentraler Seminarraum

Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany


Antihydrogen and Antiprotons II

  • Jochen Walz (Univ. Mainz)

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.
Michael Doser (CERN)
15/05/2014, 16:00
Alban Kellerbauer (MPIK Heidelberg)
15/05/2014, 16:30
Paul Indelicato (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
15/05/2014, 17:00
Building timetable...