15-16 May 2014
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone


Workshop Information

Important Dates

Deadline for registration: 12.05.2014
Deadline for abstract submission: 30.04.2014

Abstract Submission

Please use this abstract template: doc, 39 KB (abstract length up to 1 page)
Please make sure to email the abstract to: sekretariat.blaum@mpi-hd.mpg.de

Workshop Circulars

2nd Circular: pdf, 51 KB
1st Circular: pdf, 77 KB

Workshop Poster: pdf, 291 KB

Workshop Program

For information please go to the Program page and the Timetable.

Conference Fees

No fees.

Oral Presentations

The durations of the particular invited and contributed talks are given in the Timetable. The times include 5 minutes for discussion.


The poster session will take place in the Otto-Hahn-Hörsaal. The poster dimension should be Din-A-0 oversize in portrait format. Fastening material is available.


Coffee breaks and a snack at the poster session are provided; lunch at both days may be taken at the EMBL canteen near the institute. Tickets may be bought (lunch 7,50 €; beverage 2,50 €, simple table water is provided) at the secretariat during the workshop.

Workshop Language

The workshop language is English.