18-21 February 2014
Europe/Berlin timezone

List of registrants

77 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Abhishek Mukherjee ECT*
Alexander Simon Christensen Niels Bohr Institute
Andrea Shindler Forschungszentrum Jülich
Andrei Alexandru The George Washington University
Benjamin Jäger Swansea University
Björn Leder University Wupppertal
Boris Svistunov University of Massachusetts
Chrisanthi Praki Swansea University
Christian Schmidt University of Bielefeld
Christof Gattringer Universität Graz
Christopher Pinke Frankfurt University
Csaba Torok Eotvos University, Budapest
Debasish Banerjee Albert Einstein Center, University of Bern
Denes Sexty ITP, Uni Heidelberg
Erhard Seiler Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
ettore vicari physics department, University of Pisa
Falk Bruckmann Regensburg University
Georg Bergner ITP Goethe-University Frankfurt
Gergely Endrodi University of Regensburg
Gert Aarts Swansea University
Hana Saito DESY Zeuthen
Hegde Prasad Central China Normal University
Helvio Vairinhos University of Porto
Hiromichi Nishimura University of Bielefeld
Hirotsugu Fujii University of Tokyo
Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu Inst. Theor. Physik, Heidelberg
Jacobus Verbaarschot Stony Brook University
Jacques Bloch University of Regensburg
Jan Pawlowski University Heidelberg
Jeff Greensite San Francisco State University
Jens Langelage ETH Zürich
Jesper Ipsen Bielefeld University
Jonas Rylund Glesaaen Goethe-University Frankfurt
Joyce Myers Niels Bohr Institute
Kim Splittorff NBI
Kurt Langfeld Plymouth University
Lorenzo Bongiovanni Swansea University
Luca Tagliacozzo ICFO
Luigi Scorzato TIFPA
Maksim Ulybyshev University of Regensburg
Mario Kieburg Fakultät für Physik, Universität Bielefeld
Massimo D'Elia University of Pisa and INFN
Mathias Neuman Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Matthias Puhr Regensburg University
Michael Bögli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern
Michael Endres Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Moses Emetere Covenant University
Oleg Kochetkov Uni Regensburg
Oleg Starykh University of Utah
Oscar Akerlund ETH Zurich
Owe Philipsen University of Frankfurt
Pavel Buividovich Regensburg University
Peter Dalsgaard Pedersen The Niels Bohr Institute
Philippe de Forcrand ETH Zurich
Philippe Widmer Albert Einstein Center, University of Bern
Pietro Giudice University of Muenster
Sandor Katz Eotvos University, Budapest
Savvas Zafeiropoulos LPC-Universite Blaise Pascal, Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Clermont-Ferrand
Sayantan Sharma Bielefeld University
Shailesh Chandrasekharan Duke University
Shinji Ejiri Niigata University, Physics Department
Simon Catterall Syracuse University
Sourendu Gupta TIFR
Stefan Krieg Forschungszentrum Juelich
Tamas G. Kovacs Institute for Nuclear Research (Atomkil)
Terukazu Ichihara Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics & Kyoto Univ.
Thomas Luu Forschungszentrum Jülich
Tobias Rindlisbacher Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zürich
Ulli Wolff Humbold University
Uwe-Jens Wiese Bern University
William Detmold Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Wolfgang Unger ITP Frankfurt
Yannick Meurice Dpt. of Physics and Astr., University of Iowa
Ydalia Delgado University of Graz
Yoshio Kikukawa Institute of Physics, the University of Tokyo
Yu Maezawa Universitaet Bielefeld
Zbigniew Ambrozinski Jagiellonian University