- The meeting will take place at the hotel "Löwen" in Walldorf, see http://www.zumloewen.de/en/
- The hotel can easily be reached from Frankfurt airport by public transportation (direct bus connection, ~25 min., ~3 Euro) or taxi (~15 min., ~20...25 Euro). Please check http://www.zumloewen.de/en/anfahrtlinks/
- We kindly ask you to make the room reservation yourself: please use http://www.zumloewen.de/en/kontakt/ and give the keyword "GSI" in the subject field. We have reserved a number of rooms until Oct. 20th, 2013. The hotel accepts the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club International.
- It will be useful when you send your itinerary (arrival and departure times) also to our secretary Mrs. Luise Doersching-Steitz (sekretariat-nustar@gsi.de)
- The meeting will start with a Management Board meeting on Wednesday morning, the plenary sessions will start after lunch, and the meeting will close on Friday noon with lunch. The draft schedule is attached (urgent suggestions for modifications may still be accomodated). On Friday afternoon, there is the opportunity for informal ad-hoc meetings and in-depth discussions of urgent matters in small working groups (please organize yourself!). Therefore, arrival is recommended for Tuesday evening or Wednesday before noon.
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