After the latest Collaboration meeting in November 2012, the following main topics have been identified, which shall be discussed at this meeting:
1. LEB spectrometer
report the outcome of the session at the NuSTAR Annual Meeting, check whether it fulfills the needs of all other sub-collaborations, which make use of this energy-buncher spectrometer (the representatives of MATS, LaSpec, HISPEC/DESPEC are particularly asked to participate!), Discuss and identify further scientific potential (unique in the world, competitive with and complementary to other devices), fix main physics goals, fix a recommended and more detailed spectrometer layout.
2. Scientific-technical roadmap:
identify roadmap for developments, detector tests and test experiments 2013-2015, suggestions for beyond 2016
3. Super-FRS collaboration governance and MoU
present, discuss and fix the draft-MoU (in preparation), in particular with respect to Scientific Board, Technical Board, meeting organization, communication lines, etc.; including an updated money matrix (who does what? what is covered by FAIR In-Kind Contributions? what else is needed/can be provided by collaboration contributions in kind or beyond?)
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