Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Session 6
- Nori AOI (RCNP, Osaka University)
Kate Jones
(Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA)
02.07.14, 11:00
Prefer Presentation
Characterizing the nature of single-particle states outside of double shell closures is essential to a fundamental understanding of nuclear structure. This is especially true for those doubly magic nuclei that lie far from stability and where the shell closures influence nucleo-synthetic pathways. The region around 100Sn is one of the most important due to the proximity of the N=Z=50 magic...
Gianluca Salvioni
(INFN, Sezione di Pisa and Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pisa)
02.07.14, 11:25
Prefer Presentation
This talk would present a systematic study of knockout reactions from projectiles with a large difference in separation energies between valence neutrons and protons. We have taken into account kinematical effects on the shapes of the spectra as well as on the cross sections. We will also show how to take into account the no-breakup of the weakly bound particle when the deeply bound...
Shin Watanabe
(Kyushu University)
02.07.14, 11:50
Prefer Presentation
The elucidation of the so-called “island of inversion” (Z ~ 10-12, N ~ 20-22) is one of the most important subjects in current nuclear physics. Since nuclei in the region have exotic properties that never appear in stable nuclei, it is important to understand them properly through the microscopic framework with no free parameter. In the previous works [1, 2], interaction cross sections σI...
Haik Simon
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
02.07.14, 12:15
Prefer Presentation
The R³B reaction setup provides a high-class versatile and flexible tool for all kind of reaction studies. The main features of the setup will be brought in conjunction with the related physics cases. The related technical challenges in detector and accelerator science will be addressed. Cross links to other proposed setups at the future facility will be outlined and the presumed schedule for...