Session 1
- Marina Petri (TU Darmstadt)
Augusto Macchiavelli
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
30/06/2014, 15:50
Prefer Presentation
The structure of halo nuclei is a subject of intense research in nuclear physics. Of particular interest in three body systems is the existence of Efimov states [1]. This special class of Borromean states appear when the scattering length associated with the underlying two-body force is much larger than its range. Interestingly, Efimov, in his original publication, used nuclear states as...
Kathrin Wimmer
(Central Michigan University)
30/06/2014, 16:15
Prefer Presentation
The region around neutron-rich N=40 nuclei has recently attracted a lot of interest. The high-lying 2+ state in 68Ni and its small transition probability to the ground state are a result of the N=40 harmonic oscillator shell gap between the fp shell and the 1g9/2 orbital. This shell gap is reduced for the more neutron-rich Fe and Cr isotopes; both the N=40 isotones 66Fe and 64Cr show an...
Jose Antonio Lay
(Universita di Padova)
30/06/2014, 16:40
Prefer Presentation
In order to study weakly-bound systems, such as halo nuclei, it is essential to take into account the unbound states of the system. Since these unbound states form a continuum of energies, their inclusion in reaction calculations requires the introduction of a discretization method, i.e., the representation of the continuum by a finite and discrete basis. The binning procedure is the...
Felix Wamers
(ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI @ GSI)
30/06/2014, 17:05
Prefer Presentation
Studying nuclear systems at the limit of stability and beyond has had a large impact on the understanding of the ingredients to the nuclear force, in particular since the availability of more and more exotic radioactive beams has increased in recent years at international rare-beam facilities. While at the neutron-rich side of the nuclear chart the binding potentials are shallow - leading to...