Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Session 10
- Antonio Moro (Universidad de Sevilla)
Rajdeep Chatterjee
(Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee)
03.07.14, 16:20
Prefer Presentation
Coulomb breakup of nuclei away from the valley of stability have been one of the most successful probes to unravel their structure. However, it is only recently that one is venturing into medium mass nuclei like 23O [1] and 31Ne. This is a very new and exciting development which has expanded the field of light exotic nuclei to the deformed medium mass region.
In this contribution we report...
Piotr Magierski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
03.07.14, 16:45
Prefer Presentation
Time-dependent density functional theory can be viewed as an exact reformulation of time-dependent quantum mechanical problem, where the fundamental variable is no longer the many-body wave-function but the density. For systems like atomic nuclei and quantum atomic gases this approach has to be extended in order to deal with superfluid fermionic systems. Within the framework of the...
Sunji Kim
(Seoul National University)
03.07.14, 17:10
Prefer Presentation
The nuclei far from beta-stability often exhibit exotic properties, such as shell-gap quenching and large nuclear deformation. An appearance of anomalous parity intruder states at a low excitation energy region, for example, will provide a clue to identify the phenomena. The present study focuses on low-lying negative parity states in 17C above the neutron decay threshold. In the neighboring...
Kazuki Yoshida
(RCNP, Osaka University)
03.07.14, 17:35
Prefer Presentation
How to extract an electric dipole (E1) breakup cross section \sigma (E1) from one-neutron removal cross sections measured at 250MeV/nucleon
by using 12C and 208Pb targets, \sigma_{-1n}^{C} and
\sigma_{-1n}^{Pb}, respectively, is discussed.
It is shown that within about 5% error, \sigma (E1) can be obtained by subtracting \Gamma \sigma_{-1n}^{C} from \sigma_{-1n}^{Pb}, as assumed in...