June 30, 2014 to July 4, 2014
Europe/Berlin timezone

Transfer and breakup reactions with halo nuclei: beyond inert core approximation

Jul 4, 2014, 9:00 AM


Darmstadt, Germany
Presentation Prefer Presentation Session 11


Prof. R. Crespo (CFNUL)


Most theoretical calculations of direct reactions involving halo nuclei rely on a model of inert core + valence nucleons. However, the internal degrees of freedom of the core may play an important role in the reactions. For inelastic and transfer reactions this has been demonstrated recently in [1] using the framework of exact Faddeev-type equations. This study is being extended to breakup reactions in the intermediate-energy regime where recent measurements at GSI were performed. In addition to core excitation already included in [1] also the knockout of the nucleons from the core is studied. First results will be presented. [1] A. Deltuva, Phys. Rev. C 88, 011601(R) (2013).

Primary author

Dr Arnoldas Deltuva (CFN, U. Lisboa)


E. Cravo (CFNUL) Prof. R. Crespo (CFNUL)

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