Nonequilibrium dynamics and transport near the chiral phase transition of a quark-meson model

16 Sep 2013, 11:00
Lombardei (Courtyard Marriot Berlin City Center)


Courtyard Marriot Berlin City Center


Mr Alex Meistrenko (University of Frankfurt)


Based on the 2PI quantum effective action of the linear sigma model with constituent quarks, we develop a transport approach to study systems out of equilibrium. In particular, we focus on the chiral phase transition as well as the critical point in QCD, where nonequilibrium effects near the phase transition give rise to critical behavior of the ordering parameter. Predictions for long-range correlations and fluctuations of observables in our model could be used to indicate a phase transition.

Primary author

Mr Alex Meistrenko (University of Frankfurt)


Prof. Carsten Greiner (University of Frankfurt) Mr Christian Wesp (University of Frankfurt) Dr Hendrik van Hees (University of Frankfurt)

Presentation Materials