29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
GSI Campus
Europe/Berlin timezone

How to write a Business Plan & How to start a Company? *

30 Nov 2023, 09:00
1h 30m
BK1.1.001a (Seitenraum Kantine) (GSI Campus)

BK1.1.001a (Seitenraum Kantine)

GSI Campus

and hybrid via Zoom.


Mr Ian Tracey (Anchored In)


The training seeks to break down and demystify the process of starting a business and commercialising technology. From the mechanics of company formation, to how to build a successful team, to understanding and exploring your route to market. We will explore different business models and how to create a value proposition. You will also learn why you ned a businbess plan, the different formats (word vs powerpoint) and example templates. The Agile company approach.

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