12:00 PM
Per aspera ad astra: Frontiers in precision nuclear physics
Concettina Sfienti
(U Mainz)
(Lecture Hall SB1)
12:30 PM
--- lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Nuclear ab initio calculations of radii and moments
Takayuki Miyagi
(TU Darmstadt)
(Lecture Hall SB1)
2:30 PM
A fluid composed of 10 atoms
Selim Jochim
(U Heidelberg)
(Lecture Hall SB1)
3:00 PM
Laser spectroscopy of Fermium
Elisabeth Rickert
(HI Mainz)
(Lecture Hall SB1)
3:30 PM
--- coffee break ---
4:15 PM
EMMI Featured Talk / GSI-FAIR Colloquium: Study of the QCD Phase Structure in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
Nu Xu
(GSI and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory )
(Lecture Hall SB1)
5:30 PM
--- Reception ---