Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Tuesday morning 2
- Carlos Bertulani
The intrinsic view of quadrupole deformed nuclear rotors is
still prevalent in the community. In it, the shape is characterised by the
$\beta$ and $\gamma$ parameters. A lot of discussions have taken place
about the existence of "rigid" triaxial nuclei, i.e. having a well
defined value of $\gamma$. However, the only invariant quantities
that are physically relevant in the laboratory...
The $^{32}$Si(t,p)$^{34}$Si reaction was measured in inverse kinematics at a 6.3 MeV/u incident energy using the SOLARIS spectrometer at FRIB in order to study the structure of nuclei around the “island of inversion”. Outgoing protons were measured over an angular range of ~20-40 degrees (center-of-mass) and populated excited states of $^{34}$Si were identified at energies up to 7 MeV....
Since advent of the RIBF, the NaI(Tl) based scintillation array DALI2+ [1] has been the workhorse for in-beam $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy experiments with fast beams. Due to its modest energy resolution, caused by large opening angles and intrinsic energy resolution of NaI(Tl) scintillators, long absorption lengths of the scintillation material, as well as modest time resolution, the long-term...
Halo nuclei have been a prolific field of Nuclear Physics since its discovery together with the dawn of radioactive beam facilities. The halo is formed by one or two weakly bound nucleons, usually neutrons, orbiting around the rest of nucleons that conforms a compact core. In the case of neutron halo, all the charge is inside core, and, so, a cornerstone in the study of neutron halo is the...