24-28 June 2024
Kurhaus Wiesbaden
Europe/Berlin timezone

Deuteron quasi-free scattering reactions: a tool to probe nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations in atomic nuclei

28 Jun 2024, 09:20
Kurhaus Wiesbaden

Kurhaus Wiesbaden

Kurhausplatz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden https://www.wiesbaden.de/microsite/kurhaus-en/index.php
Oral presentation Friday morning 1


Stefanos Paschalis (School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK)


The experimental evidence points to the existence, at short distances, of strongly correlated neutron-proton pairs much like they are in the deuteron or in free scattering processes. As it moves through the nuclear medium, a “bare” nucleon in the presence of the nucleon-nucleon interaction becomes “dressed” in a quasi-deuteron cloud [1], about 20% of the time. A phenomenological analysis of the quenching of spectroscopic factors [2] and recent data from Jefferson Lab [3] point to an isospin dependence of the independent-particle model content in a dressed nucleon. It is expected that this dependence should also be reflected in the dressed amplitude and thus, in the virtual quasi-deuteron content in the ground state.

Following from the qualitative arguments above, quasi-free scattering (QFS) of deuterons for which the fast reaction time $t_R$ becomes comparable to the time scale of the virtual excitations, $t_R \sim \hbar / \Delta E$, could offer a sensitive probe to examine these concepts.

In this contribution, we will discuss these ideas within a single-j approximation and put forward an experimental case that can serve as a template to test the above conjecture, i.e., measuring the (p,pd) QFS cross-section for knocking out a deuteron in $^{10,14,16}$C relative to $^{12}$C as an additional tool to probe short-range correlations and their isospin dependency.

[1] K. Brueckner, in Proceedings of the Rutherford Jubilee Int. Conf. Manchester 1961 (Heywood & Company LTD, London, 1961)

[2] S. Paschalis, M. Petri, A. O. Macchiavelli, O. Hen, and E. Piasetzky, Physics Letters B 800 (2020) 135110

[3] M. Duer, et al., Nature 560 (2018) 617

*This work was supported by the Royal Society, UK STFC, and the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy

Primary authors

Marina Petri (School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK) Stefanos Paschalis (School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK) Augusto O Macchiavelli (Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA)

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