24-28 June 2024
Kurhaus Wiesbaden
Europe/Berlin timezone

Observation of a near-threshold isoscalar dipole resonance in 10Be using the AT-TPC coupled with SOLARIS

27 Jun 2024, 11:00
Kurhaus Wiesbaden

Kurhaus Wiesbaden

Kurhausplatz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden https://www.wiesbaden.de/microsite/kurhaus-en/index.php
Oral presentation Thursday morning 2


Jie Chen (Southern University of Science and Technology)


The deuteron elastic and inelastic scattering reactions of $^{10}$Be have been measured with the AT-TPC coupling with SOLARIS in inverse kinematics. The deformation length of the excited states in $^{10}$Be below 9 MeV has been inferred from the differential cross sections with the CCBA calculation. A new $1^-$ state at 7.27(10) MeV, located just near the $\alpha$-emission threshold, has been observed for the first time. It exhausts a large fraction of the isoscalar dipole energy-weighted sum rule, and has isoscalar characteristics, suggesting a strong $\alpha$ cluster structure in $^{10}$Be. The Gamow Coupled Channel approach supports this interpretation and suggests the near-threshold effect might be playing a role in this excitation energy domain. The $2\alpha+2n$ four-body calculation also support this picture and could reasonably reproduce the large E1 strength observed.

This material is based upon work supported by NSF’s National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory which is a major facility fully funded by the National Science Foundation under award PHY-1565546; the U.S.\ Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract Number DE-AC02-06CH11357 (Argonne). SOLARIS is funded by the DOE Office of Science under the FRIB Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661.

Primary authors

Jie Chen (Southern University of Science and Technology) Y. Ayyad


D. Bazin W. Mittig Z. Serikow N. Keeley S. M. Wang B. Zhou S. Beceiro-Novo M. Cortesi M. DeNudt S. Heinitz S. Giraud P. Gueye C. R. Hoffman B. P. Kay E.A. Maugeri B. G. Monteagudo H. Li N. Mendez A. Munoz F. Ndayisabye J. Pereira N. Rijal C. Santamaria D. Schumann N. Watwood G. Votta P. Yin C.X. Yuan J. C. Zamora R. Zegers W. P. Liu

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