12-13 April 2023
Bose Institute
Asia/Kolkata timezone

India is a founder-member country to participate in the construction of international multipurpose accelerator facility called the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at Darmstadt, Germany. Bose Institute, Kolkata, an autonomous R&D institute under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. Of India, has been designated as the Indian shareholder of the FAIR GmbH and the nodal Indian Institution for managing the FAIR programme from India. Indo-FAIR Co-ordination Centre (IFCC) has been established at Bose Institute, Kolkata for implementation of India-FAIR programme.

Indian participation in FAIR is two fold. Firstly, the advancement of knowledge in astrophysics, high-energy physics, nuclear physics, plasma physics and biophysics through the participation of Indian researchers, engineers and students of Institutes and Universities across the country in various experiments planned at FAIR. In addition to this, India is also contributing high-tech equipment as in-kind supplies to FAIR.  

Indian industries, therefore, become part of the development of state-of-the art technologies through our in-kind deliverables. In addition to the scope of Indian in-kind supplies, Indian industries can also participate in the tendering process of FAIR directly by themselves. We hope that this will certainly help our industries to grow and compete in the ever-increasing International market related to accelerator physics and other such mega activities.

The aim of this meeting is to bring industry, academia and FAIR authorities on one platform to discuss about the opportunities and challenges on this endeavor.

Bose Institute
Unified Academic Campus
EN-80, Sector – V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091, West Bengal, India

Participation by invitation only (Contact person: Mr. Raju Chandra Paul, email: rcpaul@jcbose.ac.in)