Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Transport model simulations of heavy-ion reactions
- Hannah Elfner (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
Transport model simulations of heavy-ion reactions: Parallel session (I)
- Maria Colonna (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - LNS)
Transport model simulations of heavy-ion reactions: Parallel session (I)
- Dan Cozma (IFIN-HH (Bucharest, Romania))
Transport models are indispensable in order to obtain information on the nuclear equation-of-state and in-medium properties of nucleons from heavy-ion collisions generally, and, in particular, in the hadronic intermediate-energy regime to constrain such quantities as the density dependence of the symmetry energy, since they are able to take into account the non-equilibrium features of such...
Recent results connected to nuclear collision dynamics, from Fermi up to intermediate energies, will be reviewed.
Dissipative heavy ion reactions offer the unique opportunity to probe the complex nuclear many-body dynamics and to explore, in laboratory experiments, transient states of nuclear matter under several conditions of density, temperature and charge asymmetry.
Transport models are...
The heavy-ion experimental program at SIS and the future FAIR facility explore nuclear matter at extreme conditions of large densities and temperatures where according to many-body theory a strong modification of hadron properties occurs. An understanding of the properties of strongly-interacting hadronic and partonic matter - created in heavy-ion collisions - from a microscopic point of...
We develop a kinetic approach to the production of light nuclei up to mass number A = 4 in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions by including them as dynamic degrees of freedom. The conversions between nucleons and light nuclei during the collisions are incorporated dynamically via the breakup of light nuclei by a nucleon and their inverse reactions. We also include the Mott effect on light...
The equation of state of nuclear matter, momentum dependence of the effective interaction and in-medium modification of elastic nucleon-nucleon cross-sections are studied by comparing theoretical predictions for collective flows in intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions to experimental data. To that end, the dcQMD transport model [1] is upgraded by implementing medium modifications of...
Heavy nuclear systems formed in dissipative collisions at Fermi energy develop a variety of possible sites where density gradients and instabilities combine in different possible ways.
Depending on physical conditions, these sites may host different distinct isospin processes, either related to isospin transport or to phase transitions.
As we will show on the basis of a suited set of...
In this work, we aim to put constraints on the equation of state of nuclear matter by comparing transport calculations with SMASH to the recent high-precision data from the HADES experiment.
In order to achieve reliable constraints, we first investigate different methods of taking light nuclei formation into account, as a large fraction of nucleons is bound to nuclei. We find that flow...
In central heavy-ion collisions at several hundred MeV/nucleon, a compressed nuclear system is formed up to about twice the saturation density and then rapidly expands, to produce a lot of light clusters. Recently, cluster observables from the SpiRIT experiment have been compared with the AMD calculation in some published papers and a paper in preparation. Some cluster observables showed...
In my talk, I will present the efforts on the refinement of the transport models after the TMEP projection. The improvements include the refined nonlinear term in the nucleonic mean field, momentum-dependent interactions, and NN$\to$N$\Delta$ cross sections. Based on the updated models, the influence of symmetry energy and effective mass splitting on the neutron to proton yield ratios, triton...
The momentum dependence of the nucleon mean-field potential in a wide momentum range can be an important factor to determine the $\Delta$ resonance and pion production in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions. In particular, in neutron-rich systems such as 132Sn+124Sn collisions, we need to carefully treat the momentum dependence because the neutron and proton potentials can have different...