Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Investigations at existing and future accelerator facilities and detectors
- Giuseppe Verde (INFN Sezione di Catania & IPN Orsay)
Investigations at existing and future accelerator facilities and detectors
- Giuseppe Verde (INFN Sezione di Catania & IPN Orsay)
Since 2020 the FAZIA detector performs experiment at GANIL coupled with the large acceptance INDRA array. This combined detector for charged reaction products represents one of the most advanced tools to study the details of the reaction mechanisms at the Fermi energies, with special attention to the role of the symmetry energy term of the EOS. The ...
A new radioactive-ion-beam (RIB) accelerator complex RAON is under construction in Korea. RAON will be equipped with both ISOL (Isotope Separation On-Line) and IF (In-flight Fragmentation) systems and explore the possibility to combine them to provide more neutron-rich ion beams than any single mode. The ISOL and low-energy systems were completed in 2022 and the high-energy section will be...
The HIRFL-CSR external-target experiment (CEE) will be the first large-scale nuclear physics experiment working at GeV/u energy regime in China, providing new opportunities to the studies of nuclear equation of state. The construction of the whole spectrometers is in good progress, most of the design parameters of the detector are fixed. Based on these parameters, we have conducted the fast...
The equation of state (EOS) is a fundamental property of nuclear matter, important for studying the structure of systems as diverse as the atomic nucleus and neutron stars. Understanding the physics of neutron stars is becoming even more important recently because of the observation of gravitational waves from the neutron star merger. Nuclear reactions involving heavy-ion collisions in the...
Elliptic flow as measured in heavy-ion collisions has proven to be very effective in constraining nuclear matter equation of state at supra-saturation densities. In particular neutron-to-proton and neutron-to-charged particles elliptic flow ratio in Au+Au at 400 MeV/nucleon collisions, measured at GSI in FOPI-LAND and ASY-EOS experiments, have allowed to investigate the symmetry energy...
The investigation of the nuclear equation of state (EoS) has been fundamental to the exploration of the QCD phase diagram at non-zero baryonic densities. This has garnered multi-messenger interest from nuclear theory, astrophysics, and heavy-ion collisions, especially due to its potential synergy with astrophysical objects and events, such as binary neutron mergers. At densities greater than...